27 October 2010

'Murphy' portrait complete

Hi, 'Murphy' the golden retriever portrait is now complete.  I just need to frame the work and say my goodbyes!  Thanks for following his progress.

'Murphy' pastel portrait complete

26 October 2010

New Pastel Portrait Demonstration

'Murphy' demo, blocking in
Hi, back in the studio working on a new portrait of 'Murphy' a lovely golden retriever (sadly passed on) for our neighbours.  I will show you step by step how this portrait progresses, so keep watching!  I want to get as much feeling into this work as I can.........

15 October 2010


Hi, 'Jamil' Saluki dog pastel portrait is now complete and I am really happy with the result.  The final highlights to his collar and beads were added and now I put my pastels down!

His owner is delighted with the portrait and he is now ready to be shipped off to France.  I will be sad to see him leave my studio, he has become a good friend.  Bon voyage Jamil!!!

How I Paint a Saluki Dog Portrait, Stage 5

Today I am working more on the chest fur, allowing the directions of my markes to follow the hair growth.  The collar is great to work on as there is a mix of textures to deal with - the embroidered collar with gold threads and the shiny surface of the beads.  Need to keep my pastel pencils sharp!   

Saluki 'Jamil' portrait - Stage 5

13 October 2010

How I Paint a Dog Portrait, Stage 4

I have worked some more on the nose and continue to make fine adjustments across the portrait.  The collar has a lovely embroidered design which I have worked on and now leave it until tomorrow when I hope to complete the work.

Saluki 'Jamil' portrait - Stage 4

How I Paint a Dog Portrait, Stage 3

Saluki 'Jamil' Stage 3
I now continue to work all over the portrait, refining areas and begin work on the embroidered collar.  I am happy with the way the portrait is progressing.

Stage 3 - How I Paint a Dog Portrait

Hi, today I work up the eyes paying attention to the reflections and highlights

Saluki 'Jamil' Dog Portrait Stage 3


Hi, a few more hours work on the Saluki dog pastel portrait.  I tend to work fairly slowly at this stage, building up the pastel strokes to show the form and structure of the head and hair growth direction.  I adjust the shapes as I go along, checking with the photo of Jamil.  The likeness can come and go at this point which is a bit scary but I am always ready to make changes rather than stick with something which looks good but is not accurate in terms of likeness.
Although I am working from a photograph, I am not aiming for a 'photographic finish', that is I want to show what the image is made from, the materials, the expressive marks.  Tomorrow, I will work up the eyes, love painting eyes and the challenge of getting the individual expression.

09 October 2010

HOW TO PAINT A DOG PORTRAIT in pastel - Step by Step. Stage 1

Alongside my Daily small Painting series I am currently working on more dog portraits and thanks to a fb friend, I have at last got a Saluki dog model! I know about his character and have access to several photos of him. I have been asked to show the stages of making a pastel portrait, so here goes.

As I cannot meet Jamil in the flesh, I select a photo to work from, then get as accurate a drawing I can but also aim to capture his individual character.   I think about the composition and placement of the head on the paper. 
Next, I look for the tonal range grey scale and local colours and indicate those in key areas.  I think of this first stage as mapping out all of the main elements, composition, tone, colour.

Saluki 'Jamil' dog pastel portrait stage 1

Now the light is fading so I will leave it alone! I will post the next stage when complete, keep watching, Jan

07 October 2010

'Trafalgar Square Hug'

Trafalgar Square, London is a great cosmopolitan gathering place for people.  The daily buzz of activity, people meeting, passing through and site seeing, makes it a perfect place for observing little scenes of daily lives.

No 11  Daily  small  Painting
13x18cm acrylic on gesso panel

01 October 2010

'Looking Good'

The casual elegance of youth, cool on a summers day.  Energetic brushstrokes counterbalance the calmness of the pose.  Thanks to my fbook friend who allowed me to work from her image, to make this painting.

No 10  Daily  small  Painting
13x18cm acrylic on gesso panel